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Difference between electric motorcycle and electric bicycle
 Jan 11, 2023|View:12

Electric motorcycle is a motorcycle that uses battery to provide kinetic energy and uses speed control device to drive the vehicle. Unlike the ordinary two-wheeled motorcycle, the electric motorcycle does not burn gasoline as the driving force of the car, but uses electric energy as the driving force and adjusts the driving speed by rotating the handle. So what is the difference between electric motorcycle and electric bicycle? Now let the manufacturer of electric motorcycle give you a detailed introduction!

The main differences between electric motorcycle and electric bicycle are as follows:

1、Different speeds: the maximum speed of electric bicycles cannot exceed 25km/h; Electric mopeds shall not exceed 50km/h, and electric motorcycles shall not exceed 50km/h;

2、Different vehicle mass: electric bicycle is less than or equal to 55kg; Electric mopeds and electric motorcycles have no requirements;

Electric motorcycle

3、The motor power is different: the electric bicycle is not more than 400W; Electric mopeds shall not be more than 4KW, and electric motorcycles shall be more than 4KW;

4、Different driver's licenses: electric bicycles are non-motor vehicles and do not need a driver's license; Electric mopeds and electric motorcycles belong to motor vehicles and need to obtain corresponding driving licenses; F certificate is required for driving electric mopeds; Driving an electric motorcycle requires an ordinary motorcycle driver's license E;

The above is some introduction about the difference between electric motorcycles and electric bicycles. Cenbird is a electric motorcycles supplier from china. We have 20 years of experience in producing electric motorcycles. We have a complete development, production and sales service system, modern standard workshops, advanced assembly lines, and a production capacity of 1 million electric motorcycles. Welcome to consult if necessary!