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How fast can ojo electric scooter run
 Apr 27, 2023|View:5

The ojo electric scooter is a new type of electric scooter, characterized by a compact and lightweight body, easy to carry, and features fast charging and long range. The power source of the ojo electric scooter is a lithium-ion battery, and the speed can be controlled through a remote control. So how fast can the ojo electric scooter run? To address this issue, let Cenbird, the manufacturer of ojo electric scooters, provide us with a detailed introduction!

The speed of the ojo electric scooter depends on its model and configuration. Generally speaking, the speed of the ojo electric scooter can reach 20 kilometers per hour. However, it should be noted that this is the maximum speed while ensuring safety. In practical use, speed should be limited to avoid accidents caused by excessive speed. In addition, the ojo electric scooter also needs to pay attention to reasonable use and maintenance to extend its service life.

ojo electric scooter

Because the speed of the ojo electric scooter can reach 20 kilometers per hour, there are still many things we need to pay attention to when driving the ojo electric scooter. The main issues we need to pay attention to are the following.

Confirm driving environment: Before driving the ojo electric scooter, it is necessary to first confirm whether the driving environment meets safety requirements. For example, when choosing a cycling route, it is necessary to choose a less busy road and avoid cycling on busy roads.

Familiarize yourself with the operation: Before using the ojo electric scooter, you need to first familiarize yourself with the operation steps and the functions of the remote control. Especially, it is necessary to be familiar with the control methods of braking and throttle to ensure timely response in emergency situations.

ojo electric scooter

Wear safety equipment: When driving the ojo electric scooter, it is necessary to wear safety equipment such as helmets, gloves, and protective gear. These equipment can protect the body from harm and improve cycling safety.

Speed control: When using the ojo electric scooter, it is necessary to control the speed and not exceed the maximum speed per hour. At the same time, attention should be paid to the road and surrounding environment to avoid accidents.

Obey the traffic rules: When riding the ojo electric scooter, you need to obey the traffic rules, such as parking, giving way, obeying the signal lights, etc. This can improve the safety of cycling and avoid traffic accidents.

Maintenance and upkeep: When using the ojo electric scooter, attention should be paid to maintenance and upkeep. For example, regularly cleaning the vehicle, replacing batteries and brake oil, etc., to ensure the stability and service life of the vehicle.

Cenbird is electric scooter manufacturer from China. We have over 20 years of experience in producing and selling ojo electric scooters. Currently, our ojo electric scooters have passed SGS quality certification and EU CE/EN15194 quality certification. Our ojo electric scooters have been exported to over 20 countries and regions. If needed, welcome to consult!